30. Create the Expense Claim Report List View

In this step, you create the second view for your reporting dashboard form, a list view. This view leverages the data returned by the Expense Claim Report SmartObject. The data from this composite SmartObject includes both system data and data from the Expense Claim Header SmartObject.

  1. Create a new list view from the Expense Claim Reporting SmartObject. Name it Expense Claim Report List View, then move it to the K2 Learning\Expense Claim\Views category.
    1. Now, you will create a new view from the composite SmartObject. From the SmartObjects category, right-click the Expense Claim Reporting SmartObject and select Design View.
    2. Name the view
      Expense Claim Report List View
      then change the Category location to K2 Learning\Expense Claim\Views Change the View Type to List. Click CREATE.
      Create List View
  2. Create Labels and Controls for the following properties: Folio, Start Date, Finish Date, Status, Employee Name, Total Amount, and Request Status. Do not enable editing.
    1. Now, you will select specific properties to include in your list view. Because this is a composite SmartObject, you can include properties from two different data sources in one list! Click the Create Labels and Controls link. Include the following fields: Folio, Start Date, Finish Date, Status, Employee Name, Total Amount, and Request Status. Do not enable editing. Click OK.
      Include Fields
  3. Add a Sum aggregate to the Total Amount column.
    1. Now, you will add a Sum aggregate so that you can tell at a glance the total amount of expense claims processing or already processed. Select the Total Amount column. From the Column pane, under the Aggregation header, click the Add link for the Sum aggregation.
      Add Sum Aggregation
  4. Finally, adjust the table columns as follows so the list flows smoother (then finish the view to save and exit):
    • Status: Change the Text value to Process Status
    • Employee Name: Move this column so it is the first column
    • Process Status: Move this column so it is next to the Request Status column
    • Column widths: Adjust the column widths so that the Folio column has more room
      Completed Report List View
    1. The last adjustments to your list view are to rearrange the column order so that the list flows a little smoother. You will also change a column header so that it is more clear, then adjust column widths.
      Begin by changing the Status column header name for clarity. Select the Status column. Click the Header tab on the right side of your screen, then change the Text value to
      Process Status
      then click outside the text box to set the value.
      Change Column Header Name
    2. Next, select the Employee Name column. Click inside the column and drag it to the left so that it is the first column.
      Move Column
    3. Move the Process Status column so that it is just left of the Request Status column.
    4. Finally, adjust the widths of each column so that the Folio column has more room and the date columns have less room. To adjust column widths, hover over the column line until you see the double arrows or handle. Click and drag the column line. When complete, your list view should look like the image below.
      Reporting List View
    5. Click FINISH to save and exit the view.

In this step, you created a list view that displays data from your composite SmartObject. At runtime, this view displays a list of expense claim workflows and includes both system generated data, along with data from the header SmartObject. In the next step, you will create the reporting form and add the two views.

Next Step: 31. Create the Expense Claim Report Form